Monday, February 11, 2013

p90x Week 6 Day 1 (lean version) Core Synergistics

So this is Week 6, Day 1of my p90x Lean program.   I was getting a little bit disappointed in myself because during the first recovery week, I used it as an excuse to basically not do anything at all. The firs today or two I told myself I needed the extra rest.  Then it just got hard to find the time to fit the workout in.   To be fair, I did get in the water for about 7 minutes prior to one of my swim clinics...but I can't really count that for much.

Last week, Week 5, I only did 2 of the workouts, I did Core Synergistics and I did a Power 90 routine, Sculpt 1-2.   Both went really well, and i hadn't really lost any fitness, I just didn't have that awesome feeling I get when I feel like my muscles are actively growing!   I missed it.

I DID follow the nutrition plan well for both weeks and actually decreased my caloric intake almost naturally to compensate for the decreased activity.

This week, in fact, this AM while laying in bed feeling like I'd blown it for this round of p90x I tried to distance myself from my head and my feelings.  I thought about it in terms of what I'd tell one of my own athletes for Steel City Endurance, and just keep on with the schedule without trying to make up any missed exercises.  I went back and forth trying to place some kind of a value judgement on myself.  The I realized it didn't really matter.  Just do something, get back in the game, get back in the routine.

Since i"m currently in a beachbody challenge group with my coach Ryan, I figured it'd be easier to just jump in on week 6.   The bonus is that this will give me 2 weeks "on" before my next recovery week.  I had been feeling pretty tired & sore in week 3 and actually think that  2 week on, 1 week recovery (not "off") plan would be really good for me.

of course, I can rationalize anything, but with that decision made I jumpt right back in and absolutely CRUSHED Core Synergistics tonight.

I'm feeling great and I fit into my skinny shorts again...and they are actually kind of baggy.  I'm liking this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back. You are one week ahead of me but we both appear to be doing mon- sat.
I'm down 17 pounds the first month. Can't really say I'm bringing it but I haven't missed a day yet. Full time work and 3 college courses plus p90x is a tough haul. The routines are getting a bit monatanas but looking up there's results vids is motivating. Keep it up doc. You got this! Al