Saturday, December 29, 2012

Return of p90x - with Shakeology this time?

Wow, it's been a really long time since I posted on this blog. Let me catch you up a bit...

Since I last posted in April of 2009, I've been busy doing triathlon coaching and especially Total Immersion swim coaching. I took my total immersion workshop in January of 2010 and during that workshop saw myself on film in a swimsuit. I was horrified! Frankly, "Whale" is the first word that came to mind. Now I know that I was not really THAT big, but I'd never seen myself swim before.

Looking at it now I think I look just fine but it was a big, big motivator for me.
Fast forward over the next 4-5 months and I was swimming almost daily. The exercise and excitement of the Total Immersion swimming and the improvement I saw almost daily helped me lose weight and get back down to what seems to be a fairly stable weight for me of about 140 lbs.

Introduce boyfriend...

Now i"m not saying it's his fault by any means, but more time with him meant less time for just me, more dinners out, more stressing over how I looked, etc, etc. Over the past 2 1/2 years I've put back on about 15 lbs. It's been really, really, really hard to keep it off.

I let my beach body coaching membership lapse, as I wasn't actively involved in helping anyone anymore.

Well lately i've just been finding myself thinking a LOT about redoing p90x, or some other beach body program. A good friend of mine is a beach body coach and he's doing really well both finanicially as well as trying all the different rpograms, motivating people and starting challenge groups.

Part of me let the BB coaching thing slide becuase I just didn't feel like i could give it my enthusiasm...but I've now come to realize that I was so excited about beach body becuase of the incredible results I had!!

Just rereading these posts and reviewing these photos...WOW>..the progress even in just 1-3 weeks? Incredible!

My BIGGEST challenge is diet. it's so easy to get sidetracked. Even though I eat well much of the time, unless I prepare ahead...bad food is easier to get ahold of. I swear I am one of those people that gains weight just LOOKING at bread or chocolate.

So I'm really eager to get back to the person I want to be, that athletic muscular person inside of me.
I've got athletic goals, I've got weight goals, I've got diet goals and I will not compromise my body, health or happiness any further.

Are you ready to do this with me? YES????

Sweet!! Let's go!!