Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What to do after p90x? What to do after Power 90?

So you're nearing the finish line of power 90 or p90x, congratulations for sticking through it all the way!  What happens next depends on what your goals are.

So what do you do after finishing p90x?
There's no problem continuing with P90X the same way you've been going at it. With the training block system you aren't likely to plateau for some time yet. Or you can step up to P90X2®—another 90-day program that builds on Muscle Confusion and introduces some of the latest thinking in sports science.


If you're happy with your results and would like to back off, try this:

Each week do the Yoga X routine at least once. Also do Plyometrics, Core Synergistics, or Kenpo X once or twice a week. To maintain your muscle mass, you can do just the first round of the resistance programs, since you get 80% of the benefit in a resistance workout during the first set. This rate isn't enough for you to make big gains, but it's enough to maintain your muscle mass for quite some time. This also cuts the time of your resistance workouts to less than 30 minutes.

You can also just logically substitute non-P90X activities where it makes sense, e.g., instead of Plyo/Cardio X/Kenpo, play tennis, hike, or go for a run. Many people experiment with different schedules/combos and settle into whatever works best for them depending on their individual goals.

What do you do after finishing Power 90?

If you want to take it to the next level, take the P90X Fit Test and see if you're ready to Bring It!® with Tony. Or if you're feeling short on time, Tony's 10-Minute Trainer® (http://TeamBeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/10MinTrainer?referringRepId=206726) can be a great option. If you're not ready to move on yet, try another round of Power 90 or go into maintenance mode with Power Half Hour and Power 90 Master Series (http://TeamBeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/Power90MS?referringRepId=206726). Just keep moving!