90/10 Nutrition Challenge

What is the 90/10 Nutrition Challenge? 
* Testimonials can be found here*
I will be coaching a Challenge Team made up of individuals that are willing to take the challenge (for six weeks) of eating healthy and whole foods 90% of the time! This means no packaged and processed food, no junk food, no white flour, no white rice….nothing bad for 90% of what goes into your mouth. This is a lot harder than it sounds. This takes a change in mindset for most people.

You must change from thinking about eating as something that you do when the clock tells you to eat to something that you do specifically to fuel your body in the most efficient way.

If you are a triathlete looking to lean down for your next race or learn better ways to fuel for your triathlon training, dialing in your nutrition and learning to understand the connections between what you eat and how you feel and perform is going to set you apart from the rest of the crowd.

If you are a cyclist or runner trying to fuel for training or lose weight for racing, you need to be following a plan similar to this one.

If you are a interested in using mostly plant based nutrition to improve your overall health, improve your immune system, improve your insulin response and reduce dependance on medications, this type of eating pattern will help you! (not intended to replace your physicians recommendations for your health) 

If you are overweight and want to gain control over your eating habits with or without an exercise plan, this will work for you too!  If I can do it, you can do it!!

Upcoming 6 Week Challenge Start Dates:

March 11th, 2013 -  COMPLETE
April 1st, 2013 - COMPLETE
April 15th, 2013  - Blended with May
May 6th, 2013 - COMPLETE
June 3rd, 2013 - COMPLETE

To participate in my Challenge Team you must commit to:

1) Eating whole healthy foods 90% of the time (See the 7 rules link above for details about how we determine what you can eat)

2) Drinking Shakeology on a daily basis  (rule 5) (requires that you purchase Shakeology on monthly autoship from me, it has a 30 day Money Back "bottom of the bag" Guarantee)

3) Posting daily accountability in a private Facebook group viewable only by members of the Challenge Team

4) FINISHING! This isn’t about starting, it is about finishing!

** Read the 5 Things to do before starting your challenge **

In order to participate in my 90/10 Nutrition challenge group, simply click  HERE  to make me your coach.. If I am your coach, send me an email or message and let me know you want to participate in the challenge. After you email me at coach@steelcityendurance.com , you will receive an email (within 24 hours) with final instructions for being added to the group and getting your Shakeology ordered.

Take the next step and decide to commit  and succeed!
-Coach Suzanne
Head Coach & Founder
Steel City Endurance, LTD

Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent.


WaterGuy said...

Regarding the shakeology drink. I'm a good training weight now (165LBS). Where might the shakeology drink be a benefit to me as I eat a pretty heathy of course I'm always looking to improve.

Doc Shazam said...

George, I agree your training weight seems great.

regarding Shakeology, I bet if you try it for two weeks you'll really enjoy it and find a perfect spot in it for your daily fueling/food.

I use it for the convenience, during my 12 hour work shifts to take the place of one of my daily snacks. it makes planning for those long days just a bit easier.

I see it as part of my daily fuel intake and not a meal replacement.

I was using protein & greens supplements anyway, and the costs add up. Shakeology has got it all in one package. Considering a snack in the cafeteria at work costs me $5 anyway, it really pays for itself for me personally.

It's got a 30 day money back "bottom of the bag" guarantee so there's little risk in trying it.

It's not a magic potion, but it is a great source of plant based protein (if you choose the vegan), fibers, enzymes, probiotic and daily vimtamis all from natural sources...that is, not fortified by pouring some chemicals in.

It's got no added sugars uses a small amount of stevia for sweetening, has no soy products in it (nice whether one is avoiding for health/estrogen effects or due to GMO)

Some people using it for weight loss might choose to replace a meal with it, and the nutritional value allows you to do that.

For athletes, it's a great supplement used pre or post workout and can be mixed with things like fruits, nut butter, ice, even coffee to make an amazing tasty snack.

WaterGuy said...

Souds like a great supplement for training..as there are tmes like yourself I don't have the time to cook.
Did you feel much improvent after taking it?

Doc Shazam said...

George I definately felt improvement after starting it, and when I run out or miss it I get really irritated with myself! Currently waiting for my next shipment. I made several lifestyle changes at once so the exercise and nutrition had an impact as well. But the peace of mind with Shakeology and not wondering what's in it, or how well it works make it worthwhile for me.