Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Days 2 & 3 - p90x Lean - Cardio X , Arms & SHoulders

Normally I like to do a post for each day but yeasterday was day 2 AND it was a 12 hour work day for me.

I was super stressed trying to make sure i got up in time to do the workout, eat my breakfast and fix all the foods I needed for the day at work.  Turns out the cardio X was really great, and I felt awesome afterwards.  It was fun an I had a big smile at the end.

I did pretty well on the food, bringing snacks & a chef salad with me.  It was a tough, tough day the end I was very, very tired. I think the switch from too many processed foods to eating on a schedule with high protein resulted in some significant brain fog.  I got home and fixed a hearty dinner following all the guidelines and still ahd trouble getting enough calories in.

Today was Day 3 and I was really, really tired until about 5pm.  I'm not sure if it was the exercise, the calories, 2 days of working late in a row or what. 

I finally got my shakeology today and I tried that out and LOVED it!! I might already be addicted to it!

Then I did shoulders & arms...I kept the weights pretty light, mostly 5 & 8 lbs, but did do some 10lbs dumbells for one of the bicep exercises.  It felt really good in the end and I finally felt energized!

Finsihed up the day with coaching some masters swim, then back home for more FOOD!  Still a bit low on the calorie targets, but we'll see what happens with the weights and measurements. 

Confession:  I skipped AbRipper X today. :(  

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