Saturday, March 08, 2008

p90X - Day 20 - Catching up!

The past few days have been busy. I worked an overnight shift, then back again to work at 3pm, so I didn't do a workout yesterday. You'd thnk that the day before when I didn't work until 9pm I would have gotten a workout in, but I was busy doing house buying stuff, then I just stayed in town until it was time to go to work.

I missed Yoga and Back & Legs/ab ripper X. kempo was scheduled for today.

So today I did back & Legs when I got up, didn't to ab ripper (yet) because I was really bonking. Since then I've had some good food & calories. I plan to do abripper X before long, and then I'll do as much yoga as I can muster before bed.

Tomorrow I'll do Kempo then I'll be as caught up as I'm able to be.

Diet wise, it's really busy & time consuming to try and get all the right nutrition. My kitchen is a mess because I'm constantly fixing food instead of snacking on fattening chips. So overall it's good.

I try not to put too much stock in my weight and measurements except at weekly intervals because things don't change quickly. But today I was happy to see my waist measurement sneak below 30 inches for the first time! Stay tuned on Monday to get a new set of measurements & photos!

1 comment:

SuccessWarrior said...

Losing waist size is so cool!

Keep up the great work.