Monday, March 10, 2008

p90x - Day 21 Pics

OK, here's a different shot you havn't seen yet. I'd be mortified just to have the first picture up, but since I'm seeing so much progress, here it is. in the front and side views this week, I couldn't see much progress from last week to this week. But in this angled view you can see some additional progress.

Extrapolate that continued fat loss/muscle gain to the next 10 weeks to finish up p90x, and I'll be one foxy chick!

I like to call this picture, "The Incredible Shrinking Belly"


Anonymous said...

Holy Christmas. Your progress is awesome!!!! I have not done a photo since day 1 yet, but i can tell you that my progress does not match what you have going there. I am starting recovery week of phase II tomorrow and although my stamina, strength, fitness, energy levels, and self esteem have all increased, my physical appearance has not changed as dramatically as yours. GREAT job.

Big O

SuccessWarrior said...

That is such great progress. Wow! Keep it up!

MzUnicaHija19 said...

I am also doing the P90x, currently on the 2nd month but I am slowly losing the momentum due to other life circumstances.

I give you so much kudos for posting the pics, I dont know if I can do that!!!

Dr. Amy said...

I just found your blog on an internet search so I don't know you, but WOW! You are getting AMAZING results!! I am on Day 6, so you are my hero right now! :) Keep it up!!! I will check back to see you progress! VERY impressive!!