Sunday, March 02, 2008

p90x - Days 13 & 14 Kempo & Rest

I switched my rest days this weekend. I'm workign overnight shifts Friday, Saturday and Sunday, pretty much the worst combination of shifts that one could possible get. It' doesn't get much better next week, when I will have done 6 night shifts consecutively (not back to back, but with no day shifts inbetween). 4 of those on weekend days.

Considering that I am contracted only part time, I'm basically getting screwed.

SO anyway....

I used yesterday as a rest day s ince I was wiped out from workign overnight the night before. I didn't even get a hot tub soak because the hot tub was closed for cleaning! But today I got up a little early from my post night shift fitful sleep and did most of Kempo X. I totally bonked near the end and skipped the last 1/3. It was a good workout none the less, and was just as hard as last week...I"m probably working harder than I did on the last one.

TOmorrow will be the first day of week 3, more pictures, measurements and weighing.

I've lost just a bit more weight, and maybe another half inch or so. I'm trying not to get too hung up on measurements and just keep pushing play.

Hopefully my mood will brighten a bit when I get back on to day shift.

1 comment:

Wes said...

Hang Tough Doc, motivation will peak and valley, just try to remember what your reasons for this undertaking were when things get rough. Even when you feel like complete crap and simply DON'T want to workout (been there!), if you can just get there and hit play, you'll get it done and feel proud of yourself and better physically for it.

Remember: 80% of success is showing up!

I believe you have what it takes to knock this program on it's butt.