Tuesday, March 25, 2008

p90x - Phase 2 - Bring It with Chest/shoulders/tris

Wow, that was a damn tough workout! My first of Phase 2. Like I said before, I took an extra "rest" week, but I did some stuff. I did 3 workouts, went telemark skiing at Copper Mountain, and did a bicycle race, the first of the season.

But my diet went to crap last week, and I carbed up. It's easy to do once you start. I did a little better today, but when presented with chocolate chip cookies, I had two! Oh, and a plate of sweet potatoe fries..>I know the worst food ever invented next to pizza (but it t astes so good!)

This was the toughest workout so far, but I LOVED it.

Chest/shoulders/try totally rocks and I am wiped out!

1 comment:

Hoosier Daddy said...

You did the same thing I did last weekend and let the diet go south. Stuck with the workouts but I'm paying the piper for too many pints and way more carbs than are good for me!

Lots of fruits, salads and protein shakes for the next few weeks now.