Wednesday, March 05, 2008

p90x - Day 16 - Plyo

Well this was good and bad. I got through the warm up and the first set of four exercises, both times, and did it far better than than the past 2 weeks. I was a little slack on the next set of exercises & skipped a few, but last week that's where I stopped. This week I was able to finish the workout, but with lots of modifications.

one of the really great things about this p90x Plyometrics DVD is that they show you modifications to reduce impact, but still get the feel & benefit of the workout and allowing you to progress into it. Any time I've done plyo in the past, I've felt like I hurt my back or my SI joint, because the instructions are to be "explosive", jump "as high as you can", etc. But with p90x, "We've got options!"

I have a secret crush on Tony I think. LOL.

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